Well this is me and I believe I am bound and determined to take bad pictures while I am pregnant. It is just who I am. Ha ha! I am now 38 inches around.
Junior is being very active lately still. I think he/she is more or less standing up now or breach however you may call it. They were laying side to side there for a while.
The little person did give us a scare on Thursday though. I didn’t feel them at night and I tried to wake them up in the morning. Nothing would work. Finally after 2 hours of being awake junior started moving. Stubborn little person!
I am still battling allergies that I am thinking will last until next winter! Ha ha! I am doing better with them most days but some days I am worse. I think we need a huge multi day rainstorm to get rid of them. Most people’s cars around here are green!
Well that is about all that is going on. My mother and step father will be up here this weekend and Tony has decided to take off Saturday, Sunday, Monday (all normal for him with a company holiday on Monday) as well as Tuesday (my mother will still be in town) and Wednesday (the day of the next ultrasound). So if I don’t update for a while you will have to forgive me. However I will definitely post something next Wednesday if we find out anything.
PS Congratulations Rowena on the birth of your grandchild!
I have checked out Diaperswappers and I am learning a ton! I don’t know I am that adventurous yet to make my own diapers. They seem scary to me after Emily’s explosive poo’s! Aack!
Hi Jennifer. You look fantastic. I can’t wait to meet the lil one. I am hoping Emily will be telling the new baby how important he or she is to me and that I’m not a scary nurse. Keep resting up. You are doing a wonderful job. Tell big Tone I said Hi 🙂
Awwwww, you look so cute, all barefoot and pregnant!
Yesterday must have been an awfully long day for you…
wishing you an uneventful 141 days!!
I am one for reading and praying but not signing. I need to stop being one of those! So here I am, letting you know we have been praying for you and your family since the triplets were born. We wish you health and peace as you continue on in this pregnancy. God will guide you with everything along the way. Remember to give God the glory in all you do. Praying also for a safe delivery and a super healthy baby! Jill
Hi Jennifer,
We’re thrilled to see you doing so well and can’t wait for the next ultrasound report.
Anyway, on the diaper front: they continue to be explosive. They may get even more explosive once more solid food is introduced (not that Hallie eats real solids, but still, applesauce and mashed potatoes are sort of solids and they definitely produce bigger and yuckier poop).
On that lovely note, I hope you guys are enjoying your long weekend!
Abby, Sharon, and Hallie
Hi Jennifer,
I think you look great pregnant! Hopefully you are feeling fine by now and just enjoying every minute.
Hope you had a nice long weekend togather and are enjoying having company. I’m sure your mother is happy to be with you for a few days.
Take care, Rowena