Well I had my OB appointment today. It went well and baby’s heart rate was 145-150 beats per minute. So that is consist ant with what it has been. Junior didn’t like having the probe look for the heart rate though and kicked/punched it.
As some of the family heard this weekend, this baby is an ACTIVE baby. On Thursday I felt the baby move at least once an hour from 7am to 5pm. It has went up and down since then. One thing is for sure when I put my hand on my belly, baby calms down. I think this child is a “mama’s baby” in utero… if that is possible.
Other then that I have been researching cloth diapers. I think I want to go this route. I know a while ago I was looking at the g-diaper (half cloth, half disposable) but I figure if I am going to wash diaper covers, I might as well wash the whole diaper. Right now it looks like what would be best for us is “Bum Genius One Size” diapers. We have about 300 disposable diapers left over from Emily (okay they were waiting for her). So we don’t have a huge rush for diapers right away.
Right now I am just trying to figure out how many we would need, and if we should have another type of diaper as a back up. It is all so confusing. My father used a diaper service for my 6 year old sister. That isn’t an option for us so I really need to do my research.
By the way – I was 19 weeks 5 days when things changed with the triplets. That is May 20 (I think). So that day will be quite a milestone for me.
That is all I have for now. I will go back to the OB the week of June 9th (can’t recall what day right now). I will also see if I can get a picture up of my belly (with junior doing the baby dance) this week.
Hey Jenn
I did just plain old prefold cloth diapers for Eddie and they worked great. Glad to hear you are doing well. Can’t wait to see a new pic.
Love you all
Auntie Julie
Hi Jennifer,
So glad to hear that things are going so well. How “fun” to have such an active baby!. I take it you didn’t get a c-section date yet.
I have a new grandaughter,Jenna, born on Friday, May 2. She weighed just over 7 lbs and all is good with her and mom. We, of course, are all thrilled with her. It’s so fun to have a baby in the family again!
I will certainly keep you in my prayers later this month. I know you will breathe a sigh of relief when that day is over.
Take care and good luck with all the diaper research! Rowena
Hi, Jennifer.
You don’t know me, but I kept up with Emily and follow you. I just don’t ever comment. Anyway, I have a very close friend who used cloth with her daughter. She got most of her info from a message board called diaperswappers.com. You should check it out. The ladies there are very informative.
I am so very excited for you guys with this baby!
Katie in Dallas
Congratulations on your decision to use cloth diapers. Remember, you can sew them yourself and have a wide variety from free online tutorials on how to make Fuzibunz to Very Baby and PooPockets. Very Baby sells the diaper cover fabric and fleece, too.
Here’s a link to my website’s cloth diapering information page. I put up a lot of pictures, even diapering real babies:
Whenever I change a baby using cloth diapers, I feel so nurturing.