Hello everyone!
Well I went to see my nutritionist over the weekend. I guess I am doing good. I am getting calcium from cheese and from Orange Juice so between the two I guess I am doing well. She didn’t want me to change anything and I will see her again at the end of July. That will be after my Gestational Diabeties screening. I will also almost 30 weeks which is when I will breath a sigh of relief!!
Other then that junior was getting more active but now I think he or she is having a growth spurt. They are not as active and I am having stretching.
Last night I had a dream that involved Christopher. It was a bit strange since at first I saw him at a very young state and he had just got out of surgery. He looked about double his size and he was clearly beat up by the surgery. He had marks by his right eye and he had a scratch (lack of a better word, he had no bandage) on his lower right side abdomin, just above his diaper. However he was breathing on his own and even though it was clearly the day of the surgery he was able to go home that day! I was saying though that I wanted him to stay overnight because I thought he was coming home too soon.
Then my dream forwarded to what I assume is present day. He was living in a town house and was very curious. He was talking a bit and was getting into things. In this part of the dream it was like I was watching a movie or something. He clearly couldn’t see me and I felt like my viewpoint was near the ceiling. He was clearly giving his caretaker a run for his money. He was wearing light blue shirt or outfit.
I assume that these dreams were much like the one I had a few months ago about Emily. When I woke up I told Tony about them and I had to tell everyone here about them too.
Talk to you later!
Getting locked out on balconies is a family tradition. Tony locked me out in Germany when he was a year old. Picking locks is also a family tradcition of a sort. When his dad and I were dating some of my sorority sisters got locked out of their house. Peter got out his big ring of keys and tried them all until one worked! Scary.
You look great!