Well this is me last night. Gee I am starting to think I don’t photograph well when I am pregnant! Ha ha! Yesterday I was sneezing most of the day though because of allergies so maybe that had something to do with things. My hope is today is better with them. I was miserable yesterday.
Well this week we had 2 things happen. First thing is on Sunday Tony and I got locked out on our second floor balcony. I will admit it was my fault. We needed to go out to shake out our down mattress pad. Well I was ready and then I thought Tony wasn’t. So I unlocked the door then waited and then the door blew open because it was windy (not to mention cold outside) so I locked the door waiting for him. When he came out I unlocked the dead bolt forgetting that I also locked the door. So we went out, closed the door and therefore our problem.
Good for us we keep the HVAC room open so we were able to go in there and Tony was able to pick the lock! Thank goodness he is a God fearing person that would scare me otherwise. All told we were only stuck for about 5 minutes. Tony was thinking “oh darn”. I was thinking “How am I going to get off this second floor balcony while pregnant?” So that was our adventure then!
Then on Wednesday Tony was talking into my belly (he does that at least twice a day) and junior actually responded to him kicking or punching (can’t tell at this point). Tony was quite happy about that. It hasn’t happened since but it was cool when it did happen!
Well tomorrow I have a nutritionist appointment. That should be interesting. Calcium has become a hard thing for me. I can’t even drink cows milk in the morning so now I am having rice milk on my cereal. It works, it is wet and I got the kind with as much calcium in it as cows milk.
I guess that is about the only thing going on. Talk to you later!
LOOK AT THAT BABY GROW!!!!!! I can’t believe how fast your belly grew. It is amazing; what a miracle! Continuing to keep you all in my prayers and hope your allergies calm down soon. I also can’t wait to hear about more kicks!
For Prayer Support:
My two little miracle nephews:
Hi Jennifer,
Does liquid calcium work for you? We get a vegetarian kind at Whole Foods that has magnesium in it for Hallie and she seems to tolerate it well (she also cannot do cow dairy). I think the two brands she used were Floradix and Nature’s Way. BOth worked equally well and are good tasting (berry or tropical flavor). We’d be happy to mail you some if you can’t find it locally at a Whole Foods, Wegmans, or Vitamin Shop (I’ve seen it in all three places)
Congrats on the baby kicking Tony!
Abby, Sharon and Hallie
Hi Jennifer,
I have kept you ann your baby in my prayers daily and i am thankful you are doing well.
i just saw this blog and thought of you and your sewing:
(julie’s cousin)