Well I had my appointment yesterday and as you can see that is junior. However we do not know if junior is a boy or girl yet. So we are going to have to wait till May 28 when I have another ultrasound. I have also included pictures of myself that were taken last Sunday. Sorry for the silly expression on my face on the frontal shot. It was taken at the end of a long day for us and I think Tony and I were both tired. Hopefully you can see my bump though.
Well the ultrasound yesterday. Junior was sleeping for the begining of it and the poking of the probe woke him or her up. They really didn’t like that either. They started moving around and were not cooperating. So because junior perfered to face my back, we couldn’t get gender. I will be 20 weeks for the next ultrasound so hopefully junior will cooperate then. So that will still be earlier then the typical 40 weeks that people used to find out!
I am watching baseball. I just got through a week of being able to watch it. Now I have to wait till May 4th before I can see another Red Sox game. Oh well I will survive. I could really use the sleep since staying up is not my thing. I have put the Red Sox schedule on my pregnancy calendar and I am carefully marking when they get a win or a loss. I am also starting to think that even if junior is a girl I will dress them in a green monster outfit. So I guess I should go to the fabric store to see if I can get green fake fur.
That is about all that is happening with me. It looks like it may be a decent weather weekend and so I have all the windows open now, and hope to keep it that way everyday!
Talk to you later!
Hey Jen , its Tawny you look great! glad things are going good for you . I added some new pictures on my blog to , you can take a look if you like? Was just wondering if you had some pictures of your 3 babysor if its at a different sight? take care ! Tawny