Well sorry for no picture today but there is a good reason why.
We went down to the doctor yesterday and about 1/2 way there we had a rock from a dump truck fly up and hit our windshield. It hit right where the rear view mirror attaches to the window. So pieces of glass and plastic when flying into the cabin of our van. It wasn’t so bad though that it wasn’t street legal and Tony and I were fine. So we get to the doctor and assess the damage from the outside and it doesn’t look as bad as it did on the inside, but we clearly needed another windshield.
So we go in and to the doctor. She starts asking about my medical history, and tells me to see my Peri with this pregnancy. I was on the fence on this issue but after hearing 2 doctors tell me that I am not on the fence anymore. She also tells me that she is fine with waiting for my pap which is a HUGE relief for me. She says that I have been through enough and I should have a peaceful pregnancy. Besides the RE likely did every test under the sun for my IVF and so she is confident that I don’t have anything.
She does a heart rate scan and she finds the heartbeat and it is 170 bpm. She then looses it so we think that Junior was awake.
I then talked to the nurse who told me that my next appointment they should have a preliminary c-section date for me. The bad news is I don’t think I will be able to see every game of the Red Sox/Yankee series. But I figure junior is worth it!
So my next appointment with her (OB) is on April 16th for a heart rate check. Today I scheduled my Peri appointment for April 17th.
Yesterday we got our new windshield for the minivan. So that is about it that is happening. I have been tired today, so even though I need to get a blood test done I am thinking of waiting till tomorrow.
Talk to you later.
Hi Jennifer,
Thank goodness the rock only damaged the windshield. You are fortunate. Scary thing to have happen.
So glad things continue to go so well! Exciting that they are already talking about a c-section date. Too bad about the Red Sox/Yankee series. Guess you will have to record them!
Have a great weekend. Rowena
Hello. I just finished reading both of your blogs over the weekend. You’ve been through so much and I offer you and your husband my sincere congratulations on your current pregnancy and my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your other babies, particularly Emily.
I found it quite a coincidence that your have step-sisters that were adopted from China since I’m currently waiting to adopt my first child from China. I’ve been waiting nearly one year.
I also sew. I LOVE to sew and have been sewing for my future child, too. I make my own patterns, too. Have you considered using cloth diapers and sewing them? That’s what I’ll be doing. Today I made a knock-off Zutano dress. I’ll post a picture of it on my blog later.
Do you mind answering a question? I was wondering why you went on the special diet and what the goal was, besides gaining weight. I’m very interested in nutrition, especially in children. I’m a doula and daycare provider so I like learning as much as I can.
It’s nice to *meet* you!