Many people have asked if, and when I will be finding out gender on Junior.
With the triplets we found out at 16 weeks. However this pregnancy is not considered “high risk” so I am unsure when I will be having ultrasounds. I do know that I will be doing the “level 2” ultrasound that measures the baby in every conceivable way. My Peri (high risk OB) likes to do that at 20 weeks however I am still unsure if I will be seeing my Peri. Also I am unsure when my OB would like to do it.
I do know that last time I had an ultrasound the tech did rotate the 3D image to see if she could see anything yet. However it is too early I believe. She may do the same on Friday. However, I believe it is still too early.
So yes, we will be finding out gender as soon as we can. I am too type A not to know. Ha ha!
I believe that we should get more information about scheduling with our OB appointment next week (Tuesday). We may even get a C-Section date then. Which trust me as a big Red Sox fan I am already planning how late I can deliver and still see every game of the Red Sox/Yankee at Fenway, season closer set in late September. Lucky for me the first game is on ESPN and likely the hospital has that channel (at least I am pretty sure about that).
That is all I have for now. Need to get my food for the 2nd game in Japan that is about to start. Ha ha!
I too have to have a peri watch over my care. We found out at 12 weeks we were having a girl. I hope they see something!!