As you can see junior is progressing well. He/She is measuring at 10 weeks 6 days so he/she is measuring slightly ahead of schedule. The heartrate is 175 bpm and everything is looking really good.
I am now stopping my progestrone in oil injections, and one of my prometrium pills and estrogen pills I take a day (I take that 3 times a day). Saturday I will go down to one of each pill a day and a week from Friday I will have my last ultrasound at my RE… at least for this pregnancy. I will then have a discharge appointment the following Monday and Tuesday I see my OB (whom I have yet to meet).
The ultrasound that was taken today (the 3D ones) were taken from different angles at the same moment in time. So in other words baby was scanned and then the picture was rotated to get the 3 pictures. He/She is reminding me of Alexander with the hands by the face. Alexander was sucking on his thumb at his 16 week ultrasound, and once born, they couldn’t keep a breathing tube in him because he wanted room for his thumb to go into his mouth. So needless to say the ultrasound for me this morning was very emotional for me.
I know that many babies sleep like this. And junior was sleeping when this was taken. However for me I will always think of Alexander when I see this position.
I am feeling alright. I have my queeziness in spurts and junior LOVES peppermint but that is about it. I even took a big leap of faith last week and ordered a bag for junior for our trip next summer (Summer of 2009). It is a suitcase that is carry on size that is meant for infants. To me that sounds perfect!
That is about all for now. Thank you for your continuing prayers.
Junior looks fantastic! I am so happy for you guys! The likeness to Alexander solidifies me into the “I think it’s a BOY” camp. I am thrilled that Junior is growing so well. His 3D pictures are absolutely GORGEOUS.
Much love,
Kristina in GA
(from HP)
Hi Jennifer,
Amazing pictures! Thanks for sharing.
Good to hear that you are feeling okay. I guess you are eating lots of peppermint these days. Hopefully his/her likes will expand soon.
Sounds like a cool suitcase. Is there a website to see it? Our daughter will be traveling this summer with her new baby (due May 3) and that sounds like something she might want.
Prayers continue! Rowena
He/She is beautiful!!! I am praying for you to have a healthy full term birth.
Those are awesome pictures Jenn. Thanks for sharing.
Auntie Julie
The pictures are beautiful and I am so happy to see him/her seeming so content. And of course you have our continuing prayers. We are very much looking forward to seeing this little one on the outside in about 29 weeks!
Junior is looking a little more like a lima bean now, which we know is Tony’s favorite. I’m in the “it’s a boy” camp for sure now after these pics. He looks very happy and heathy. Can’t wait until the next pics.
Hi Jennifer,
I like the new heading on the blog. It’s nice to see just what is happing with her/him each week.
Just checking in to wish you and Tony a Happy Easter. We are leaving tomorrow for a week of camping at the beach in Carlsbad, CA. just north of San Diego. Our family has been camping over Easter for many years. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous so we are excited about that.
Hope you have a special day on Sunday! Rowena
Amazing photos!
He/she is just so gorgeous! It is amazing to see how the baby has already developed so much. I’m with the rest, my gut tells me it is a boy! Praying for a happy and healthy pregnancy. Hope you have a wonderful Easter!
For Prayer Support:
My two little miracle nephews: