I don’t have a bunch to write about but I thought I would post something in case I don’t get a call from my RE tomorrow (I am assuming I will not).
I am feeling alright. I am tired all the time and today is the first day I am not overtly trying to be on bedrest. I figure if they are going to implant they would implant by now. I also am starting to have cravings for weird food. I rarely eat pickles but when I am pregnant. Last night I had to have a pickle. I have also noticed that I have nausea if I don’t eat on time. I think this has more to do with my estrogen levels but who knows. Then again it could also be in my head! Ha ha!
I made Tony get out the children’s cool mist humidifier. It has been so dry here lately that we need the moisture in the air. That has been helping me breath a bit. I figure that the children will not mind but I have warm mist humidifier that needs to be thrown out so I didn’t want to use that. Why are they so hard to keep clean?
Anyway that is about all with me. I am trying VERY hard to stay on my diet but it is hard since I believe at least one has implanted if not both of them. Especially when I start craving things like those little Hostess donuts at the grocery store. I ask you, who craves those? On the donut scale they are barely on the regester! (I use to get a box of those on the way to see Emily when she was in the hospital.) Oh well eventually I will be off this diet and I will be dancing the dance of joy!!
Talk to you later!
Hi Jennifer,
You must get that donut craving from your Dad. He ate a box of Entenmann’s donut holes this morning 🙂
Thinking of you,
Hi Jennifer,
I stumbled across your site as I was looking at preemie sites. I don’t really know how but I’m pretty sure it was a God thing. I have four precious children of my own ranging from 9 to 24 and two precious little souls waiting for me in Heaven. My oldest daughter just gave birth to a wonderful little man at 32 weeks. He’s doing great and growing like a bad weed! I will be praying for you on your quest to have little ones. I’ll check back and see how you are doing. I know I will remember to pray for you because my name is Jennifer as well. Oh, and did I mention that my husband is Tony? See what I mean, it’s a God thing. Take care and be blessed!
Jennifer D.
Just checking in to see how things are going. Were they able to freeze any other embroy’s last week other than the original four?
Hi Jennifer and Tony,
We are so psyched and think that the embies look MAHVELOUS!
We’re thinking about you and praying for this one (or ones) to take!
Abby, Sharon, and Hallie
hope your well:o)
look forward to hearing from you:)
Good Morning Jennifer,
Hope all is going well with you. Only a few days left until your blood test. I am praying for you everyday! Have a good one.
Good Morning Jennifer, I am praying for a good out come on your next post! Which is killing me! Hope all is well
Rhonda From NH
I keep checking in to see how you are doing. Hope you are doing well and I am continuing to pray!
Hi Jennifer,
Just checking in to let you know I am thinking about you. Hope that tomorrow brings you wonderful news.
Us, too!
Abby, Sharon, and Hallie