I just wanted to update again. My appointment for the blood test is going to be tomorrow evening so I will not get the results till late Wednesday.
Maya – Maya, the minivan, had a mouse eat through some of the wiring and so we are going to have to get that fixed. It is a huge unexpected expense and is not covered by warranty. I don’t know how to avoid this from happening in the future either. If anyone has any clue please share! It mildly freaks me out because of the fact we plan on having the minivan be our family van. I don’t want mice near anything having to do with my children.
So sorry about your car. If it’s parked in a garage I suppose you could leave D-con out or traps so you could catch them hopefully before they do damage. Did the car place have any suggestions? Good luck on finding a solution.
Hope your bloodtest results will be good!
Take care, Rowena