Hello everyone!
My appointment yesterday was very strange. I went to a satalight office and they don’t have a Thursday US tech there at the moment so the doctor did the US. Talk about a busy office! Anyway, he is not the doctor that does all of my IVF stuff so he looked at my uterus and was a bit confused. I don’t know exactly how it happened but last night the cervix was shaped in a right angle. Seriously you could see where it started, then the uterus and there was a near perfect right angle! I told him that was not normal and I was a bit puzzled by it as well. I also told him that I have a hysteroscopy scheduled for Monday and I hope it straightens out a bit by then! He assured me that it could have been any number of reasons why it was shaped like that and to not worry.
If that wasn’t enough stress, he then went to my ovaries. On the left side he saw a corpus lutetium (a cyst caused by the release of an egg) so that wasn’t a concern. On the right though he saw a monster hemoratic cyst (blood filled). When I say it was big, I mean big! You couldn’t even see my ovary behind it! In fact he couldn’t even find on of the edges of it. It was that huge. He told me that I will have to wait for the blood work results to schedule my next (hopefully around CD 20) appointment. However we may have to have a check earlier then that to see if this monster cyst clears itself. I am thinking that it is a good thing that he couldn’t find the edge of it because maybe that means that it has already ruptured and just hasn’t purged itself yet. I will find out later today and will let you know the outcome.
That is about all I have for now. I should get a call this afternoon about my blood test results. I will update then.
I just heard from the RE’s office. I still test positive for HCG or pregnancy hormone. So that means that I will not be cycling in December. My beta, as it is referred as, is 25 and anything over 5 is pregnant. So while 25 is REALLY low for me my body still thinks it is pregnant. They will test me in another week to see if it is under 5 yet. If it is then I can go forward with testing. If it isn’t then I have to wait 4 weeks and hope that I will get my period by then and try again all of this testing that I need to do. Anyway we slice it I will need to have more testing next cycle.
The good news is my cyst may not be an issue now since it will likely clear up by next cycle anyway.
That is all I have for now.
Hi Jennifer. I imagine you would give just about anything to have an uneventful totally run of the mill doctor appointment! I sure hope your beta level goes way down by your next blood test. You deserve to be able to get moving on your next round.
So now we are in the long dry spell without baseball! We will go to spring training in Phoenix the first weekend of March but that seems a long time away. Of course, the months have a way of flying by.
Am wondering how your new sister is doing. Have you met her yet? I follow another blog of someone here in San Diego that has just started the process to adopt their second child from China too. They have finished their paperwork and now the waiting begins for them. I think it is nearly a three year wait now.
Are you doing any sewing these days? I wish I had more time to sew. I did just make a few of my burp cloths for some customers. I get orders once in awhile from people who have been given the diapers as baby gifts. One day maybe I will get a business going.
Hope you have a good week.