This is probably too much information but I thought I would share anyway.
Yesterday afternoon I started passing tissue big time. I mean this is the sort of things that when mothers tell their daughters that they are going to bleed every month for a good portion of their life, this is what the daughters have nightmares about. My c-section didn’t prepare me for this by any stretch of the imagination. I eventually called my doctor fearing that I could be hemerging and didn’t know if this was normal. He assured me that it was and was actually glad that it was happening. He told me that it would subside and by today I should have less bleeding. He also said that my temperature should go down and stabilize. Both things are holding true. Baring anything abnormal on my blood work, that should be coming back tomorrow, I don’t think I will see my doctor till a week from today (October 9th). I have been given 2, my guess powerful, antibiotics that I will be taking for the next 2 weeks.
That is about all I know at this time. Thank you for all the prayers!
Edited to add: My doctor called me today to see how I was doing. I told him that I am doing well however I was wondering if my antibiotics could be causing me to have extreame gas pains. I told him that I wasn’t planning on calling him on this but since he called me I might as well ask. I also added that I only slept for about 4 hours last night. Partially because of me wanting to see the tie breaker baseball game (I am sorry Rowena you were robbed!) and partially because I woke up having extreame pain that felt like gas. Also I am having trouble laying down because of this pain. Sitting up seems to help but I am unsure how long I can sleep sitting up. He now wants me to see him tonight just to make sure that it is gas and not my uterus doing something that is not what it is suppose to be doing. I will keep you posted…
Edited to add again… My appointment this evening went really well. My ultrasound looked normal (big relief there!) and my doctor said that I could “forget to take my antibiotic tonight.” He thinks that I did have an infection however since things have changed he fails to see why I should continue it. After all it was the stuff that was in my uterus that was holding the infection. He wants me to keep him posted to changes but doesn’t see the need for me to have any more post-op visits. He also said that I could keep my next step consult a week from today! As of this morning my temperture was back down to normal levels (after over a year of charting tempertures everyday I know those rather well) I am also feeling well with the exception of my gas. I guess I am my fathers daughter! Now if we can only figure out why my adopted sister got that gene!
I plan on resting for the next few hours till I can start watching post season baseball (from 3 to my guess midnight at least tomorrow!) which always seems to make my days fly by!
I’m happy to hear that your fever is down but sad to hear that now you have another problem. I don’t think that I’ve prayed for gas before but that’s what I hope it is!!!
Yes, so sad about the Padres. Poor Trevor, only 7 blown saves out of 47. Such ashame that one of them had to be last night. I was such a wreck I didn’t even watch the end of the game. I left when we were still tied and went upstairs to read. However, it is only a baseball game for goodness sake (I keep reminding myself)! In San Diego we all have the same thing to say about all of our sports teams. There’s always next year!!! So now we will look forward to Spring Training next March. Now we only have to be worried about what in the world is going on with the Chargers.
Take care of yourself. Holding good thoughts for your doctor appointment tonight.
I am still praying for you.
take care of yourself & enjoy the baseball!
Hurray for your good doctor visit! So now maybe the gas will go away too.
Enjoy the baseball games today! Seems like a good way to rest.