I went to the RE today because I have developed a fever yesterday of as high as 102.5. The RE has told me that I have developed an infection in my uterus and that I may need to have another procedure to remove more tissue from my uterus. In the meanwhile I am to be taking an antibiotic and tylenol to control my temperture.
We knew that this is a risk of having a surgical removal of the pregnancy, however we also knew that it was a small risk. Clearly I am beating the odds yet again and have this infection.
They have sent out a ton of labs on me and as long as my temperture stays below 103 I am not going to go to the hospital. I hopefully will know more by wednesday but even that is a bit of an uncertainty.
We do not know what this will mean for our long term fertility. I don’t think my doctor knows yet either. However I do know that is not healthy for my eggs to be at this elevated temperture so I imagine that will push back any IVF attempts for a few months.
Will let you know when I know more…
Hi Jennifer. I can’t believe that on top of everything else you now have an infection!!!! Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in right away and you’ll be well quickly and not have to go through another procedure. I am praying for a quick and complete healing right away. Rowena
Hi Jennifer,
I just wanted to send big hugs and prayers your way…you guys have been through so much, too much…We too hope that you heal soon and well and that soon you are able to finally get all of your deepest wishes as parents fulfilled.
Abby, Sharon, and Hallie
Wow, that stinks! Hopefully you’ll be better soon & everything will be back on track…