Post procedure…

I had my procedure yesterday to remove Baby D and the placenta yesterday. So far I am not really in any pain. I didn’t even get the prescriptions for pain medication that I got from my doctor. So far I haven’t felt anything stronger then what I feel when my monthly “friend” comes.

It was hard for Tony and I to be in a hospital after so long. We were hoping that our next trip to the hospital would be a happy one. Sadly it was not to be. We are doing alright though. We both see this as a set back and we know that Baby D wasn’t suppose to be with us.

I will have my follow up appointment and a next step consult on October 9th. We should know by then if we have any answers as to why Baby D didn’t make it. However I am not expecting to find out much. My goal is to do IVF again around the first of the year. If we get pushed back a month we will run into getting pregnant when I was pregnant with the triplets. That could make for a rough pregnancy emotionally though we both want to move forward rather then waiting an extra month. We shall see though.

That is about all I have for now. Talk to you later!