9 weeks 3 days

Hello everyone!

Well I have been feeling awful the last few days. I wanted to get on here on Monday but I couldn’t. I am finally feeling a bit normal (though even that is relative) so I thought I would update today.

On Sunday I had something funny happen. I was feeling realively normal most of the day and I was really looking forward to the Red Sox/Yankee game that night. I told Tony that if we had a little Max that I would like to make a Green Monster costume for him. I thought he would look cute as the friendly Red Sox mascot. Tony didn’t really want his child dressed like that. Well that night I became really sick. I had to go to bed right after my 7PM injection. Since the game was at 8PM that means that I missed the game. So the next day I started to think and thought, well maybe I do have a Max in me and he doesn’t want to be dressed like the Green Monster so therefore he made me sick! Just a thought.

Now since some of you check the comments that are made by some vistors, I thought I would clear up some thing. I can’t go to my due date. Because of the way I was cut to get the triplets out of me I can’t go past 38 weeks or April 7th. The reason for this is because it could be dangerous for me to go into labor on my own. To me I will be happy if I am able to give birth between Tony’s birthday (Feb. 25) and April 7th.

Well that is about all I have for now. I will write more after Monday’s ultrasound!

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