Hello sorry for the delay in this. I told Tony to write on here yesterday as I wasn’t feeling well and we see how well he listened.
This is the latest and greatest picture of Junior. He or she is about 1 inch tall and is measuring on track if you go by my embryo transfer day as the day of conception and not my egg retrival day. So this means that my due date is now April 21, 2008. If you look closely you can see Junior’s inner sack (the line above their head). You can also see parts of the umbilical cord connecting to the placenta (down by where the feet should be). The placenta is located at the top of the uterus (one of our problems the last pregnancy). So that is good. This also means that Junior has flipped since the last ultrasound and is now in the head down position. No wonder they don’t like me standing! Ha ha!
We will go back a week from tomorrow (or 9/24) for another ultrasound. By then we should be seeing something that clearly looks like a miniture human. I will see if they can get a shot of the arms and legs then. Junior has them not but they are not very visiable yet.
One of the things that amazes me is that junior is already 1 inch. That means that in the next 16 weeks they will grow at least 10 more inches in tallness. After all Emily was 11+ inches when she was born at 24 weeks. Amazing how fast they grow!
I met with the nutritionist yesterday. She said that my goal should be to eat for the next few weeks till I loose the morning sickness. So she doesn’t care what I eat. She just wants to make sure I get enough calcium so I will be on a supliment when I can’t get it from other sources. The first weekend in November I will go back and then she will put me on the serious PG food diet.
That is about all I have for now. I will see if we can take a picture of me at some time. I clearly have a belly and trust me I don’t look like I have a baby in me that is only an inch tall! Surprisingly though I have actually lost a bit of weight though! Go figure!
Oh one more thing, my doctor has agreed to stop my prometrium (an oral pill) gradulally over the next few days. I will have blood work twice this week (Monday and Friday) and each time I can ease back on a pill. So by next weekend I shouldn’t be on any. I will continue with my progestrone injections but they don’t bother me like the pills do. Those will continue till 12 weeks or October 8th (roughly).
Talk to you later!
We adore Junior already. He or she looks awesome, but we can definitely wait until we meet him or her. Like 32 weeks or so.
Congratulations, again, and may the morning (or all day) sickness abate soon.
We are so thrilled for you guys. We hope that all goes as well as it can, and that you are relieved of some — ok, all — of the anxiety and angst that you were feeling this time last year. And may nothing truly small ever fit this child. We’d love it if s/he went straight to the 3-6 month size without passing preemie, let alone micropreemie.
What a great picture. It is amazing how clear it is and how much is distinguishable already.
Hopefully we will just watch him/her grow for many weeks to come. April 21 will be here before we know it! Hopefully going off the medication will improve how you feel so that you can start enjoying your pregnancy.
Looking forward to seeing the picture of you soon.
Take care and have a great day. Rowena
Tony and Jennifer,
We love the pictures of junior. Grandpa Peter is very excited the due date is also his birthdy! May junior stay put until April 21 or be late.
Hi guys! What a precious little peanut you have there! I am very happy and excited for you. Just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers.