Rowena – The morning sickness is a double edge sward for me. When I am feeling good I wonder if something is going wrong, yet when I am feeling bad I am the first to complain. I am terrifed of trying remidies because last time I took Reglan and it really messed me up. Ironically Reglan also is suppose to increase your milk supply and you may remember that I had to leave the hospital early one day because of this drug. So it could be that this wasn’t the drug for me.
I am glad to hear your daughter’s pregnancy is going well!
Have you tried Zorforan (sp)? I know its kinda pricy, but it works wonders. I have had to you it with both of my pregancys, a little less with my singelton, but it might be something to look into. I know that our insurance copayment for a months supply was around $150, but well worth it, considerating you are able to function during the day and not be spending all you time by the toilet. Just a thought.
I’m so glad that everything is going well with this pregancy. I hope that it continues this well and that morning sickness is all you need to worry about. I’m also sill hoping that another little baby pops up in the next ultrasound. They didn’t see my twin until 9 weeks and we had an ultrasound almost 4 weeks before. So maybe there is still one hiding inside!! One could hope.
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for the response. I don’t blame you for not trying drugs. The wristbands are not a drug. It is a pressure point thing and works for some and not for others. Just thought there might be a possibility of relief without any side effects. I hope you have a great feeling good day! Rowena
WOW!! I haven’t visited in a while and now you are pregnant!! I am so, so happy for you and will be praying constantly for the next nine months!! The names are great!!