Well I wanted to update everyone and let you know that the nausea has started to set in for me. I think it a bit early but then again I could have just blocked it out from last time. Ha Ha!
The drive up here was LONG. We were stuck in a 3 hour long NYC traffic jam that would not end. Tony being like he is figured out that we were going a grand total of .5 miles per hour for most of it.
We stopped to have dinner in Connecticut and I don’t think the kids liked it. I almost threw up a few times on the rest of the ride up here. I think it is the night time that is the worst for me. Not good. But I have told Tony that on the way back we will go a different way and not go across the George Washington Bridge. Hopefully this will mean that it will take us less the 8 hours to go home! (This is normally a 5 hour journey).
Other then that not much is happening. I spend most of my days relaxing. I had a blood test today and I will likely not know the results of that till Friday when I go in for the next ultrasound. Oh, I should also mention that we had a fire alarm last night at 1 AM in the hotel. They claimed that they let us know that it was a false alarm but they did not. So we walked down 11 flights of stairs. Ugg. I am not suppose to excercise but I think that the children were fine. They are even making my queezy right now! We were able to take the elevator back up though!
Okay well I need to find some provisions since the children really don’t like protein and perfer breakfast to dinner. Ha ha! I have the car now so I will figure that out then go back for a bit of a rest this afternoon.
Talk to you all when we get back!
Hi Jennifer,
Sorry about the nausea but I guess in this case it is really a good sign. Hopefully it won’t go on too long.
Are you doing some sightseeing while in Boston? We used to live in Newport, RI just an hours drive from Boston. We took many visitors there. If you have never been to Newport, I highly recommend you visit there too.
I’m off to the gym. Have a great day.