Well I just got the call and called Tony and my parents.
My beta (HCG) level was 434. This is 18 days past ovulation or 15 days past a 3 day transfer. My progestrone level is 132.
This was my results from the triplet pregnancy to give you an idea. Also because of my due date with them, these numbers get push back 2 days. So 14 days would be 12 days then.
14 186
16 350
19 1202
21 2283
23 5430
My RE nurse said that it could go either way at this point. We are still hoping for two though. We shall see. My next check is Wednesday.
That is all I have for now! Talk to you later!
Woo Hoo Jenn
That is spectacular news!!!!
Congrats!! I hope it works out for you and there will be two of them. Keeping you and Tony in my prayrs always.
Woo hoo! I am so very happy to hear the news and will be praying for a healthy and full-term pregnancy. Congratulations!
My two little miracle nephews:
For Prayer Support:
Coming by from Asher’s Friends. Congratulations. Praying you can go full term and have 2 perfect little Angel’s. God Bless and I will be Praying.
Love~Hugs~Prayers from South Carolina
Darline(Grnadma to Cody & Chandler-Becker’s MD)
Congratulations, Jennifer and Tony! I’ve been checking in CONSTANTLY for the past few days and sending lots of prayers your way!
Abby (and Sharon and Hallie)
Hi Jennifer and Tony,
What wonderful news! I was getting worried since you had not posted all week and then this morning, hurray, hurray and praise God!
I am just so happy for you and look forward to hearing what Wednesday’s test brings.
Take care of yourself! Rowena
I’m very happy for both of you!!! 🙂
I had been checking the last few days, waiting to read just this news from you. May God bless and keep you safe as you embark on this journey. (BTW, I’m the person who sent the Giving Tree. Hopefully little Max and Lizzie will understand just how special that story is given their older siblings.) With lots of love and prayers.
Congrats, I am so happy for you! I will pray that things continue to go well.