Embryo Pictures

3 day embryo. reversed B

This is a picture of the grade 4.5 embryo that we transfered.
3 day embryo. reversed C

This is a picture of the grade 5 embryo.

It is hard to tell the differance in them but there they are. Now I would like to play a game. Please vote in our poll to tell me what gender you think they are. We are calling them Maximillian and Alyzabeth until otherwise proven.

I had a blood test this morning to check my blood levels of hormones. Assuming everything is normal I will not hear the results.



  1. glenda

    Hi Jennifer,
    I have been reading your blog since Julie sent me hers with a link to you. I am Ron, Julie and Rick’s cousin (our mothers were sisters). You and your family have been in my prayers each day; and I have been so moved by the your journey and your spirituality.

    Many blessing to you and your family, Jennifer


  2. crossing my fingers Jennifer! I have been reading since Kaitlyn’s mom linked to you when Emily was sick. It broke my heart, what your family has gone through. I am a NICU nurse and it is always hardest on me when we lose a multiple….much more so when it is all of them. My heart is with you.

  3. Anonymous

    It;s the 13th! I can’t wait to read your good news!!!! When will know? I’ll be hitting refresh all day πŸ™‚

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