Sorry I haven’t posted in a while!
My in laws came into town and then I started sewing up projects and time got away from me. They were here for 8 days and I think they had a nice time.
I have planted the peppers outside. Hopefully they will like it out there. So far so good. The large plant that you see in the center of the pepper pot is a tomato plant. I purchased those day before yesterday to accent the peppers. I figure that the birds will stay away from them if peppers are all around them. You can also see my flowers in the pictures.
I have started sewing different things after I got a sewing machine when my mom was up here. So on Thursday I went and got a bunch of patterns that were on sale. I have to say though that most patterns out there for infants are little girl ones. Why is that?? So I got a good mixture of patterns, 2 normal size dress patterns for me (probably for next summer), a maternity pattern, 2 infant girl patterns, a baptismal outfit pattern, a shopping cart cover pattern, and a sleep sack pattern.
So far I have made the sleep sack but I put the zipper to low (I think it works better actually) I think I am going to put in a button though to close it up a bit more, so I have to go get a button then I will be finished with it and take a picture to post it.
I have also almost finished the shopping cart cover. I am making it in flannel so it should be nice for a junior. 🙂 When I finish that I will also take a picture and post it.
Okay, well last week I had 2 appointments. The first was on Thursday and was for my nutritionist. I decided that I would go in there and tell them what I wanted to know. My first an probably biggest question had to do with my diagnoses. I have 2 that counteract each other. One when you read it, it says that you need to loose weight. I am almost under weight so I didn’t think that sounded right. Yet I did fit under some of the descriptions for the condition. The other one is called Hyperemesis Gravidarum; mild, is left over from when I was PG with the children. It is a form of morning sickness that is really bad. I clearly had some of that with the triplets. When I look up that condition it says that I need to gain weight to offset the morning sickness I will have when I am pregnant. So I am not really sure how I can do both at the same time. So I have been constant with my weight.
So this nutritionist looks at me via the last year. I tell her that I was able to gain a bit of weight (not much but a bit) when Emily was in the hospital. She says that is good considering that I was also breast feeding and needed more calories for that alone. She said I bet you were feeling fine during that time also. I said yes. I wasn’t watching what I ate since I couldn’t. I told her what I was told last time was regardless of how many calories I am given I am not to go over 50 carbs. So therefore I don’t. She says that for meals I can go up to 60 carbs! Because she put me on a 2000 calorie a day diet! She also tells me that I shouldn’t be as strict with the diet as I tend to be. She would rather see me looking at the meal as a whole and not as I can’t do this and I can’t do that. I should have things in moderation but not overboard. So now I see everything in terms of units or servings. If I want something I should have it but have it with other things to make it good. And also I control my portion size which I have been doing anyway. This is making it easier for me. I see her again in about 1 month and hopefully I will have gained some weight by then. I think I have about 7 more pounds to go.
The next day I go in for my cycle day 20 blood work and ultrasound. This goes well. I have 15 follicles less then 10 mm on each side (a high number but hopefully my Lupron will cut that down some). The draw blood from me to see all sorts of things. Not the least of which is a pregnancy test to make sure I can start this cycle. That afternoon I get the green light to start Lupron the next morning. I am also told to take Prometrium (a pill that I know well) for 7 days twice a day.
Technical things for those in the medical field:
Lupron – I take .10ML once a day in the morning (close to 7am). Lupron comes in a vial that I have to draw myself. The needles I use (at least right now) are .5ml 28G 1/2 inch Insulin Syringe. I inject this into my belly and can do this all myself. I store the Lupron in a small refrigerator in our bedroom to keep it away from light.
Prometrium is 200MG caplets. I take this around 8am and 8pm till tomorrow (Friday 5/18) night.
After I am done taking the Prometrium I will wait for my period while continuing the Lupron. Then when I am on cycle day 3 I will get my next set of instructions.
Other then that I realized I didn’t mention the problems we were having with what to do with the extra embryos. We want to freeze them to hopefully go through this again to get more siblings for our next child(ren). However they need everything in writing. So I talked to the RE and I told him that I wanted the Embryos to go to Tony if I die and I wanted to keep the embryos if Tony died. That wasn’t a problem if we put it in writing. However it gets tricky when it comes to if we both die. I told the RE that we wanted the embryos to go down the line of guardianship in our will if we both died. This he said I would have to talk to a lawyer about.
So I contact our lawyer and ask him if he can change our wills to reflect any frozen embryos so they would go down our list of guardianship. He says that our state sees them as “personal property” but we can put it in our will that this is what we want. So we change our Will’s to reflect that. Then I have went to my mother (last on the list) and told her that if it goes to her that I want the embryos adopted out since then any children that we have can still be in contact with their siblings. So many hoops to jump through! Anyway it is all straight now.
In other news my sister Jazmyn, was accepted into a charter school that will teach her in mandarin for half the day. She will start that in the Fall. My mother is going down to the British Virgin Islands this weekend to go rent a sailboat for a week with another couple. Then they are going to go sailing around! Sounds like fun! Wish I could go!
Well that is about all the news I have for now. I hope everyone is doing well! I will keep you all posted.
Hi Jennifer. It is so good to hear from you again. You have been very busy with company and all. The flowers are gorgeous and I can see that everything is green there now. We are heading to New York tonight for a wedding on Sat. but the weather forecast is not promising. We were hoping for some nice spring weather for our sightseeing. Oh well, I’m sure the flowers will still be in bloom in Central Park.
What kind of sewing machine did you end up with? Sounds like you are putting it to good use.
I keep checking your new sister-to-be’s blog site but you dad never has added another note. How are things going with the adoption? How nice the Jazmyn will learn Mandarin.
Hopefully your new diet attitude will make things easier for you and you’ll gain some weight. My daughter-in-law is also trying to gain some weight to see if that helps her infertility problems.
Have a good weekend. Must finish packing. Rowena
It’s good to hear about all of the positive things going on right now, from the sewing to Tony’s peppers to the beginning of the IVF adventure. We think about you often and hope and pray for the best for you guys.
Abby, Sharon, and Hallie