Emily has had some good days recently. She had her milk scan on Wednesday which I was there for. I was actually able to be there for the whole test. The test was simple enough, lay Emily on an imaging table and feed her a bottle with radioactive (slightly) material in it with her milk. Then feed her the rest of her bottle. Then lay her flat on this imaging table and leave her there for 1 hour. We, the nurse and I, were able to watch her radioactive milk go into her belly via monitor and then watch the whole time she was on the table. It started to go in to her intestine while we were there. The whole point of this test was to see if she had any acid reflux and to see if this went into her lungs. In my opinion, she has no reflux at no time did we see it go back into her lungs, or even come back up for that matter. The downside to this test is she was radioactive for 24 hours after the test and so they had to take extra precautions with her. Keep her diapers in a different spot and not wash her bottle for 24 hours and such.
I am pleased to say though that she is not radioactive anymore. In fact I can say with some certainty that she doesn’t even have it in her system anymore. This is because she had not one but 2 blow out diapers yesterday and this is with the size 1 diapers and not the newborn diapers!! The first one happened around 3 pm yesterday and it was EVERYWHERE! I decided to give her a bath right then and there. Then I put her in her swing and scrubbed her whole crib, and the counter behind her crib (not that it got all over all of that but that area did need a good cleaning!!).
Oh one more thing about the Milk Scan. She is on a high flow cannula which is giving her a flow rate of 4 liters per minute and it is well humidified. In order to be transported down to where the test was going to be performed she needed to get on a regular cannula. This means no humidity and no 4 liter flow. So she was on 2 liter flow during that time (about 2 hours). They had her hooked up to a portable pulse ox machine (to measure her oxygen in her blood) and most of the time she was sating 98 and above. It was really nice to see with her.
Emily also has been taking her bottle well. Last night she took her whole bottle at 8pm, 12am, and 4am. The night before she took the whole thing at 12am and 4pm. It will be interesting to see if this pattern continues. I did ask if she could be on a trial “ad lib” or eat when she wants, and the doctors are not ready for her to do that yet.
Many of you have wrote to me about Domperidone and the wonderful results you have received from it in regard to milk production. I have looked into it, and even went to a compounding pharmacy who said that they don’t carry it anymore. So after a bit of research I found out why the FDA doesn’t allow it in this country anymore. Here is the link http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/ANSWERS/2004/ANS01292.html Emily already has heart problems so I will not be using this drug even if it were allowed in the country. I just wanted to share with you in case you are using it what effects it may have on your child.
Talk to you all later!
Love the jeans!! She is getting very mature!