The bumper in the previous shots I made in college as an assignment. She seems to really like that it is up.
Well Emily had a good day yesterday. They were able to wean her oxygen down to about 60% and she was doing well at her feeds taking at least some of the bottle if not all of it.
However after her noon feeding the cardiologist came by and talked to me. I guess Emily’s Echocardogram showed that her heart is enlarged on the right side, the side that pumps to the lungs. This is because her lungs are stiff and it is harder to pump blood through that side. They have many treatments for this we are told. The first one they are trying is a blood vessel dilator. This is a oral medication. They actually have to grind it down and put it in a suspension just for her as it is typically given to adults and not children and therefore it is only available in a pill. This condition will not go away tomorrow or even next month. This condition will last as long as her lungs are in the state they are in. So 2 years seems to be the consensus from all that we have heard. That is not to say that she will be in the hospital for 2 years though. The doctors all believe that we have months not years though until we can finally take her home.
In the meanwhile Emily has to treated very well. Whatever she wants she gets. If she is stressed at all it puts added pressure on her lungs and therefore her heart. Also they have stopped feeding her by bottle till they get recommendations from the children’s hospital on how to feed her. I hope it is soon since Emily really likes eating for herself! This is because any choke that she may have can cause extreme damage to her. Same is true if she were to become ill. Emily has very little to no “reserve” to breathe with and so she needs to be well at all times. Most babies don’t get the RSV shot in the hospital (hospital is suppose to be a controlled environment) but Emily will because she is that ill.
The doctors seem happy that they finally have a diagnosis for her. Before they were trying anything to help her not having the ability to do things scientifically. Now that she has this diagnosis they can treat her more effectively.
While this is a hard pill to take, we believe that Emily will continue to fight as she has her whole life. She is truly a miracle. All of the doctors say that.
Yesterday I thought I would try to let daddy have more of a role in her so I let her change her diaper (a good start I thought). Well Emily got daddy. Just as he lifted her legs she went all over getting daddy in the process. Amazingly she got the only section of her bumper that is covered in plastic! Good aim Emily!! Needless to say he will not be changing any more of her diapers for a while!
In other news my father and his wife, who already have a 5 year old adopted from China, has sent in the application to adopt a “waiting child” from China. These are often children, to my understanding, that may have slight medical problems. They also can be older children. They are almost always girls and I believe that they requested a girl this time. They hope to get their doctuments (including a picture of little Miss Emily, as last time there was a picture of me) to China by this spring, with a hopeful going to China and a homecoming of next summer. This is much faster then the 2 years that they waited the first go around. My sister came over when she was 10 months old for those who don’t know. Hopefully they will (hint, hint) create a blog of their own so everyone can follow their progress. I will let you know more information as it is available to me.
She’s doing so great! I love checking in and seeing pictures! My 24 week (surviving twin) was on 2 medicatins when he came home that we had to get filled at a compound pharmacy because they too only came in pill form and had to be put in an oral suspension. One of them he took the equivilent to 1/10th of one half of a pill! it was insane! But he only had to stay on it until he was 2! He’s 29 months old now!
I am so glad to hear that they know what is going on with Emily! Now, she needs to grow, grow, grow!! I am saying prayers that keeps up all of her good work, she is such a little firecracker! (pooping on Dad…LOL).
That is awesome news about a new adoption!! We adopted Sagan’s brother Sam from Kazakhstan when he was a baby. We ended up getting pregnant for Sagan during that trip, so we always joke that we got two boys in Kazakhstan, not one. I will be saying prayers that everything goes smoothly there too!
Emily is getting so mature and she is such a sweet and pretty girl!
I was referred to your site via on of our faithful followers. Emily is so beautiful and we will be sure to pray her lung/heart problems heal soon. My nephews were also born at 24 weeks gestation. We lost Jacob at 7 weeks old, and Asher just went home a few weeks ago after 6 months 1 week in the hospital. He has severe chronic lung disease and a temporary colostomy for narrowing in his intestines but is beating all the odds. We are praying Emily will be home soon with you and will ask others to pray as well. If there is ever anything we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.
My two little miracle nephews, Asher and ^Jacob^:
What a beautiful baby girl! I pray that Emily continues to grow stronger each day. (I found your site through another Caring Bridge site) My daughter is a 23wkr and will be two in January.
I just heard of your story from a post of my son’s caringbridge website I also noticed that my friend Laura just posted a comment on your page today, as well.
My heart goes out to you and your family and my prayers are most certainly with you. Though I will not pretend to think that I know what you are going through I definitly understand what it is like to be on bedrest, deliver at 24weeks, loose a son, and watch as another one struggles to survive. Though I can’t imagine what it would be like to loose two sons so close together and keep strong to help your daughter survive. I am in awe of your strength. Please know that whatever you may need we will try to help. Don’t hesitate to contact us on Asher’s caringbridge (my personal e-mail is listed there) site. If nothing else we will be praying very heavily for you.
I have been following Isaac’s blog and Sonia mentioned your Emily. I have a granddaughter Emily who is almost 5. She has 3 loving brothers here and we talk about her brother and sister in heaven.
I love your Emily’s hat. Did you use a pattern I could go to on line?
One of my son’s long time friends just took their micro premie home yesterday. We all rejoiced!
I’ll keep your Emily in my prayers.
Sue Hammons-A Texas grandma