Emily lost a little bit of weight last night – only 10 grams, so she now weighs in at 1620 grams. This is roughly a third of an ounce and is ~0.5% of her total body weight, so there isn’t any concern.
Emily seems to like her steroids. Her settings were reduced three times yesterday. Her PIP was dropped from 24 to 19, and her breath rate from 36 to 30. All blood gases yesterday showed her pCO2 was 43 or 44, and her blood pH was normal. She had another good gas this morning, and they may further reduce her rate as a result. A couple of the respiratory therapists think that it will be days and not weeks before Emily goes onto the CPAP, and they seem to think that the way Emily is going she won’t necessarily have to go back to the ventilator.
Keep praying. After everything that Emily’s gone through to get here, we firmly believe that she’s our little miracle.
It was really nice to see that Emily was having a good couple of days. I’m thrilled to hear about the good blood gases and blood pH (I remember how much we tracked Hallie’s ups and downs and can’t wait for you to get to a point where you don’t have to do this anymore; besides, I am sure Emily will really appreciate no longer being subjected to the daily heel stick–among other things, it’ll make it possible for her to wear oh-so-cute footy pajamas, which is a great milestone to reach in the life of a miracle baby micropreemie).
We’re keeping our fingers crossed about Emily’s imminent move to CPAP. Maybe she can go as a spelunker for hallowe’en?
Hugs and prayers,
Abby, Sharon and Hallie
Little Miss Emily is beautiful and she is progressing so nicely. I can’t wait to see her again. I’ll see you on Tuesday morning Jen.
You are all in my prayers.
Marianne Marron
I’ve been out of town for a almost a week and it is good to be back and able to check in on Isaac and Emily. It sounds like you have all had a pretty good week. I’m so glad. I love all the pictures you post. It’s fun to see how she is growing and changing. Take care. Rowena