Emily now weighs 1630 grams (3lbs, 9 oz). This is an especially impressive feat considering that she had a diaper which weighed 80 grams earlier in the evening.
Emily has another respiratory infection and she is taking two antibiotics, but it doesn’t seem to be slowing her down much. Since the doctors can’t wean her any more off of the ventilator, they started her on a nine day course of steroids today. Within a few hours of her first dose this evening, she was having high oxygen saturation levels in her blood, and she went from ~60% to ~46% oxygen, so hopefully she will be able to get off of the ventilator and onto the CPAP in the next few weeks. She’s also taking 30 cc’s (one full ounce!) of milk every three hours.
I couldn’t resist taking a picture of the flamingo which one of her grandmothers got for her. The nurse left it on the roof of the isolette when she raised the top, and Fiona the Flamingo went flying!
Emily is a real cutie! I am hoping the Steroids work to get her off the vent. Decadron worked really well to help my son, Sagan, to get off the vent…which we never thought would happen. I am saying lots of prayers for Miss Emily Sweetie!
Emily is really growing by leaps and bounds—very impressive! And it’s lovely to hear about her high-sats. All of us are keeping our fingers crossed for a quick recovery from the respiratory crud and a rapid transition onto CPAP. You guys are in our prayers.
Abby, Sharon, and Hallie, who cannot wait to hang out with Emily at an ICN reunion
I pray for Emily and check your site for new developments. I pray for her parents and caregivers, too. She seems to be her Mother’s heart’s darling and her Father’s loved treasure. God Bless You all in the name of Jesus donna