Emily’s New Duds

HPIM1239Yesterday Emily got to put on her clothes for the first time. She also has a hat, but it is rather warm in her isolette so she can’t wear it. She’ll probably wear it the next time she does kangaroo care with Mommy, though.

Emily had a little setback on her feeds yesterday. Her belly got swollen, so the doctor decided to take an x-ray, which showed some swelling on one side of her intestine. Just to be safe, they witheld her feeds until they know the results of today’s x-ray. She’s getting sugars and fluids through an IV for the moment. They’ve also reduced the number of breaths being given to her by the respirator from 60 to 56 every minute to try to make her lungs work a little more. They’ve chosen this approach because reducing pressures in the past few weeks led to lung collapse, so she required higher pressures, which caused portions of her lungs to over-inflate. Other than that, Emily has been pretty stable all night.
