This is to bring everyone up to where we are.
We have been trying to conceive since we got married. I went to the doctor in April 2004 for a pre-pregnancy check up and was told I am fine. We progressed as we were until we moved in March 2005. At that point I went to a new doctor and was given a few tests.
I had an ultrasound which showed that I had a burst cyst on my ovary. My doctor didn’t seem concerned since this is what ovaries do.
I had a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) in April 2005. This showed no problems and we were hopeful that this would help us, as it is sometimes used for treatment.
I also had blood work done at this point and Tony was “checked out” also
I was diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility. Which my doctor (an obgyn) prescribed Clomid to help boost my ovaries and give us more eggs to aim for. I was on this for 3 cycles with no luck.
In August 2005 I went to a Reproductive endocrinologist (RE). He told me that I would need to be monitored for a cycle then he would tell me the next step. The last dose of Clomid had messed up my cycle though so I ended up having to be put on Progesterone to bring on my menses.
I started my monitoring cycle September 2005. I was given 3 ultrasounds and multiple blood draws including a 3 hour timed test for glucose and insulin. Tony had a stricter semen analysis.
In October we got our results. We found out that I have Insulin Resistance (IR) but I am some what on the boarder with being fine. The blood work said that I was just below IR when looking back in time. I also have polycystic ovaries. However I do not have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Tony also has funny shaped sperm but this is not a huge problem. I was told that I needed to take 2 cycles off and have a polyp removed from inside my uterus which I had done that month.
The following month I met with a nutritionist who put me on a diet where I get 45 carbs each meal and between 7 and 21 grams of protein at every meal and snacks (I get 2 snacks).
In November I also met with a specialist within the RE who deals with people with IR and PCOS. He explained what was happening in my body and told me to take Vitamin C everyday, Vitamin E twice a week and Fish Oil twice a day. That is in addition to the Prenatal which I had been taking since I started this process. Tony is to take all of this also only he takes a Multi vitamin and not a pre-natal. This doctor told me I could start treatments starting the next cycle.
December 2005. I have an ultrasound done on Cycle day (CD) 3 and I also had blood work done. I then start taking Tamoxiphen for increasing my odds of having multiple eggs for more targets. On CD 10 I had an ultrasound and blood work to see how I am doing. I was doing well and I had a HCG injection. This is to release my egg. (HCG is the hormone found in pregnant people.) On CD 11 I had my intrauterine Insemination (IUI). Then starting on CD 14 I took progesterone 3 times a day by mouth. We found out on January 6th that it didn’t work for this cycle.