Fourteen Weeks, Five Days

Emily is having many boring days now, which is why these posts seem to be getting more infrequent. Not to mention shorter. Emily now weighs 2087 grams (4 lbs, 9 oz). We tried to feed her from the bottle twice today, but this ended both times with episodes of bradycardia after the first few sips. … [Read more…]

Fourteen Weeks, Three Days

Emily lost a bit of weight today, but this is actually a good thing. She now weighs in at 1961 grams (4 lbs, 5 oz). She was given Lasix because x-rays showed some fluid build-up in her lungs. Her heart rate and respiratory rate were down today, and her O2 saturation levels were in the … [Read more…]

Emily’s going home outfit?

I need help deciding on an outfit for Emily to come home in. Please help! These are my options. Edited to add: Two outfits were trailing badly so I have taken them out and reset the poll. Option AOption BOption C Which should be Emily’s going home outfit?Option A – Pink dress with white collarOption … [Read more…]

Fourteen Weeks, Two Days

Emily now weighs 2050 grams, or 4 lbs, 8 oz. We’re well on track for 5 lbs by Thanksgiving! Her ROP is still stage 2 in both eyes, but is now regressing in both. The eye doctor says she’s ‘boring’. Yesterday was a little rough on Emily. Her nose got clogged again; her oxygen requirements … [Read more…]

Fourteen Weeks Old

Emily now weighs 1974 grams. She had a bad blood gas today (pCO2 of 89), so she was put back on the nasal cannula. Her latest blood gas showed a pCO2 of 80, so there was some improvement. Emily was bottle fed by Mommy today and took 20 cc’s of milk. Along with this came … [Read more…]