Pull My Leg

Emily now weighs 2244 grams (4 lbs, 15 oz.) She continues to feed from the bottle almost every four hours. Today Dad fed her for the first time and she took 20 cc’s for him at 8 PM. She also took 30 cc’s at 4 PM. While her nurse was taking her blood pressure today, … [Read more…]

Fifteen Weeks, FIve Days Old

Emily lost quite a bit of fluid weight yesterday. She was given medication to help her get rid of some of her excess fluids and had three diapers which were 40g, 116g, and 30g yesterday afternoon. She now weighs four pounds, 14.7 ounces again, but is doing much better with her breathnig. She isn’t working … [Read more…]

Fifteen Weeks, Three Days

Emily has broken the five pound mark! She now weighs in at 2318 grams ( 5 lbs, 1.7 oz). She had a little more trouble breathing today. Her flow on the nasal cannula was increased to 2 liters/minute and at one point she was on 100% oxygen. She seemed to be working harder to breathe, … [Read more…]

Fifteen Weeks, One Day

Emily now weighs 2180 grams (4 lbs, 13 oz). The flow rate for her cannula was reduced to 1 liter / hour yesterday, and her feeds were increased to 42 cc’s every three hours. We are getting more aggresive with the bottle feeding since this is the only thing keeping Emily at the hospital. We … [Read more…]

Emily Rolls Over

Emily now weighs 2118 grams (4lbs, 10 oz). She received the rest of her two-month immunizations today and did pretty well. Mom also put her to breast today, and Emily really liked it; her oxygen saturations went up to 100 both times! The only problem was that she was so comfortable that she didn’t get … [Read more…]