Quick update…

I went to the RE today because I have developed a fever yesterday of as high as 102.5. The RE has told me that I have developed an infection in my uterus and that I may need to have another procedure to remove more tissue from my uterus. In the meanwhile I am to be … [Read more…]

Post procedure…

I had my procedure yesterday to remove Baby D and the placenta yesterday. So far I am not really in any pain. I didn’t even get the prescriptions for pain medication that I got from my doctor. So far I haven’t felt anything stronger then what I feel when my monthly “friend” comes. It was … [Read more…]

Our ultrasound today…

Well I wish I had good news today. We had our ultrasound today and there was no heartbeat detected. It seems we lost, what we will always refer to as “baby D”, around the 9 week mark. I will be having a procedure done that may be able shed some light on if this was … [Read more…]

9 weeks 3 days

Hello everyone! Well I have been feeling awful the last few days. I wanted to get on here on Monday but I couldn’t. I am finally feeling a bit normal (though even that is relative) so I thought I would update today. On Sunday I had something funny happen. I was feeling realively normal most … [Read more…]

8 weeks 4 days officially.

Hello sorry for the delay in this. I told Tony to write on here yesterday as I wasn’t feeling well and we see how well he listened. This is the latest and greatest picture of Junior. He or she is about 1 inch tall and is measuring on track if you go by my embryo … [Read more…]