Flylady Baby Step 30

Today the task is to check next month’s calendar for events. That is simple enough! Here is Diane in Denmark to say more:

Flylady Baby Step 29

Today we are going to set aside time to focus on ourselves. They recommend weekly. I have enough time in my day to do this a little bit daily. I actually put it right into my afternoon routines. 30 minutes of me time. I do this during nap time. During this time I can quilt, … [Read more…]

Flylady Baby Step 28

Today we are going to make sure we drink plenty of water and put good food in. To Fly isn’t just about cleaning the house, it is about creating an environment of well being. Today is the day we focus on the well being part. Here is Diane in Denmark:

Report cards

Today the children got their report cards from German school. They both did fairly well. I am always nervous about it but both were on target which is great. They were not issued letter grades it was more words then letters. We relaxed for the most part since we have been home. We are finding … [Read more…]

Flylady Baby Step 27

Today you need to plan what is for dinner, before dinner time. I typically do this at the beginning of the day as part of my morning routine. As time goes on, you might be able to do a whole week at a time, however I found this a bit ambitious as I never know … [Read more…]