Update number 2 today…

Tony and I just went out to get ice for our upstairs freezer. We figure if the power goes out having ice already would be a good thing. Anyway it is a MAD house out on the roads. I was seeing lines of cars where seriously on a normal day would have maybe one or … [Read more…]


Hello, Yes we are expected to be in the path of Irene. We have battened down the hatches outside as much as we could, filled both cars with gas, and have enough food and water to last us for about a week. I have also lowered the temperature in our chest freezer to -10F though I may see if … [Read more…]

Our igloo is thumbless…

I am doing pretty good with the chemo this week. I am sure you have heard that New Jersey has been hammered by the snow this week. We got 16 inches of snow. Max loves the snow now. He walks all around it. He normally just stays on the area that has been cleaned off. … [Read more…]

Day before the big day…

Well we got snow. Tony figures we got around 16 inches, if not more. These photo’s were all taken today. Max doesn’t really like the snow. He fell down a lot and often face planted in the snow.  Here he is in the snow yesterday. And here are some fun photos of him just having … [Read more…]