Beta on Friday…

My beta on Friday was 4510. I had another draw today but I will likely not know the results till Friday. By then I hope to have regular morning sickness so hopefully it will be a mute point. We didn’t get much decorating done over the weekend so there are no photos. Sorry!

5 weeks 1 day…

Well as you can see I have just one sack so far. There is no “yolk sack” which would be the baby, yet visible. This is normal because it is early, but I can’t help but wonder if they are not seeing one because there are more then one in there. They are calling me … [Read more…]

Beta today…

Okay here is the size that the little bean should be right now. I included a sesame seed because some things I see say that is how big they are now, and not the apple seed. Anyway there it is. My beta came back at 2321. This is quite high. It nearly tripled which isn’t … [Read more…]

Just so you know…

I will get my beta results today. I didn’t think I would but to my shock they will be calling me because they think that my beta may be over 2000 today. If it is then I get the call about when I will have my first ultrasound (likely next week) and if it isn’t … [Read more…]