Sad day for us in general…

Today the triplets would have been 6 years old. Hard to imagine what they would have been like. Hard to imagine what it would have been like not to have Max though too. For me today is like every other day for the past 6 years, I think about my babies and wonder how they … [Read more…]

This week…

On July 4th we made Max’s playset into a water park. We hooked up the sprinkler and then he had a water slide. Not great for Tony’s abs but who needs to do crunches now!! As you can see Max LOVED it! I also got a new app for my phone and now I can … [Read more…]

Garden… ours!

Front yard: Hydranga that we got the first spring we were here. It has always looked sad, this year it is doing really well. It is a mini hydrangea so I am not expecting it to be really large. St John’s Wart. It also has really taken off this year. I think it will get … [Read more…]