Snow, snow where are you?

We have spent much of the day at home today. We only ventured out to get the camry from the shop.  So this is Max this morning (photo of the day)…   Max and Daddy playing with Fenway this evening… And although this is dark you can see the snow we have received as of a … [Read more…]

Day 1 of vacation…

Well it is day 1 and everyone that is over 3 is exhausted. Ha ha! We left at about 5 am (after waking at 4) and we drove for about 12.5 hours with a 30, 45, 45 and 35 minute break. We also were stuck in a 45 minute traffic jam. The good news is … [Read more…]

Elimination Communication day 4…

Well the good news is Max is dry for naps and bedtime. The bad news is he isn’t dry the rest of the time. 🙁 We got the book on 3 day potty training though and they have a mentoring program. So I wrote them yesterday (at the point where I seriously thought that Max … [Read more…]

Oh the adventures of having a dog!

Poor Fenway got a parasite! He got Giardia. I guess this is common in puppies but ti can also potentally be passed on to humans. It isn’t fatal or anything, it just gives a dog (or human) the runs for as long as 6 weeks! Not something I really want anyone to have! The vet … [Read more…]