23 weeks 0 days….

Hello everyone! Sorry for no picture today. Tony and I have been busy this week and it just hasn’t happened. The OB appointment went well on Tuesday. She asked if I was getting excited to cross the 24 week (when I delivered the triplets) and in all honesty Tony and I are more excited about … [Read more…]

17 weeks 5 days

Well I don’t really have much to say in this update. However I thought I should say something. This weekend Tony inspired me and I made pasta and sauce. The sauce was really good, spicy and most importantly easy. I used a pound of Bratworst (don’t ask why I wanted that sausage, it just looked … [Read more…]

Knock me over with a feather!

To my surprise I am not canceled! I just got the call that I am to continue on the 0.05 ml of Lupron (in the morning) and to add 225 units (forget what they are ml or g or cc’s) of Gonal F at night. Gonal F – This will make it so I will … [Read more…]

Good news and misc. information

Well the good news is our van is covered under the comprehensive coverage for the mouse damage. It is a small savings but it is better then nothing! Our van is parked in a parking lot and there are many children around here. We have seen them “playing” in the parking lot so I liked … [Read more…]