Fourteen Weeks Old

Emily now weighs 1974 grams. She had a bad blood gas today (pCO2 of 89), so she was put back on the nasal cannula. Her latest blood gas showed a pCO2 of 80, so there was some improvement. Emily was bottle fed by Mommy today and took 20 cc’s of milk. Along with this came … [Read more…]

Thirteen Weeks, Six Days

Emily now weighs 4 lbs, 6 oz. She was still off of the nasal cannula today. Her nurse today was surprised she stayed off it all night. She didn’t have any bradys today at all. The plan currently seems to be to give her some time for her little nose to heal before trying her … [Read more…]

Bubble Girl

Emily had an interesting day. The nasal cannula has been drying out her little nasal passages the past day or so. When the nurses try to suction her, she bleeds and then the blood clots in her nose, blocking her airway and creating a vicious circle. As a solution, they put her in a plastic … [Read more…]

Thirteen Weeks Five Days Old

Emily now weighs 1900 grams (4 lbs, 3 oz)! She is still on the nasal cannula. Her nurse said that she (Emily, not the nurse) had one brady overnight for which she required stimulation. Dad took these pictures last night. We especially like the first one where it looks like she’s praying. The physical therapist … [Read more…]

Emily’s Great Leap Forward

Emily now weighs 1880 grams (4 lbs, 2.3 oz) Emily was moved onto the nasal cannula today! The doctor just wanted to try it out for two hours and see how she did. He also expected her oxygen requirements to go up to between 60% and 80%. Emily had other ideas however, and has been … [Read more…]