Flylady Baby Step #13

Today we are going to look at Flylady missions. These are daily (Monday through Friday) things to do in the zone of the week that we are in.

Now zone of the week can be anything they don’t have to follow the Flylady schedule. For me it is easier for me to follow her schedule but I do change one thing. Zone 1 is suppose to be Entry, Dining room and Front porch. I have it, entry, hallway, and basement. Outside I can only do at certain times of the year and the basement honestly needs more attention then outside so that is why I do things like that.

For right now, I wouldn’t worry so much about the zones but just look at the mission and see if it is something you can work into your day right now. If you can continue them, then GREAT, if not don’t let it get to you. The important thing is you are doing something and so then you can keep going!

To find the missions look here:

Are you more of a visual person? Watch Diane in Denmark:


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