System wars

Well yesterday I didn’t post because I couldn’t seem to do simple things correctly. So I thought today would be better. Well Windows HATES Mac and I am stuck in a format war. So I have photos and video but none of it likes me at the moment so I can’t share more Christmas at the moment. 🙁

However this is not going to stop me from talking on here. So I am. I have been spending the last 2 days doing some work on my travelers notebook. It all started when I realized that my life is a bit more complicated now that we are fostering. This means that there are days where I am doing more then just one thing. It sounds odd but honestly that is normally how I roll. Not that change is a bad thing. So I wanted to have a daily calendar rather then a monthly one to plan a bit better. I went looking for something on Etsy that would work. This lead me to look for Flylady stuff and next thing I knew, I had a complete system that I didn’t know I needed! At least it was cheap. So now I can look at my daily calendar and see what I need to do with Flylady and be motivated all along the way!

Speaking of Flylady, on the 1st I am going to start posting on here the Flylady baby steps. This is often the first step in learning the Flylady system. If this is something that interests you please watch out for that. I will still talk about other things on here, but I will also be doing the 31 Flylady baby steps. One thing I do want to emphasize is you don’t have to do ALL the steps. In fact I think some are just odd or unnecessary, however it does help to set you on the right foot for this system!