Ramblings of a middle age mother…

I am really trying to write on here everyday. Today is one of those days where I don’t know what to write. So I think I am going to ramble for a bit and then many years from now my children can at least see how I think at this time in my life.

I am spending the day cleaning and getting ready so I don’t have to leave the house till Sunday if I play my cards right after tonight. I know that sounds odd but when you have been a house wife for a long time like me, every now and then the thought of going out everyday is daunting! With foster A we have to take him/her to school everyday. This means I am out of the house EVERY morning if I like it or not. I am also out of the house every afternoon too. I haven’t had to do that in a long time… it could be argued ever, as I was a live in nanny prior to marrying Tony. So it really isn’t me. However fostering is very rewarding so it is worth it. Tomorrow and the next day he/she will not be going to school so that makes things easier for me. 😀

The weather is warm today. Not so warm that you don’t need a coat, but not cold that you need gloves either. So that is nice. It is also dry at the moment. Also nice. I want to make Divinity for the holidays (tomorrow is the start of my baking days) and I am worried about the weather for that. We will have to see how it turns out. I may have to make it tomorrow as the rain is suppose to come on Friday. Fingers crossed!

The kids are doing well with their first week of Accountable Kids. They are falling into the routines well and that is good. I am going to be adding to it maybe Saturday, so that I am not adding to it on a holiday. That just seems wrong for some reason. We will be going to step 2 as well as I am going to be adding a couple chores to their weekly tasks. They are chores that are not part of the normal program but are specific to our house and flow. Some are going to be weekly, some are going to be daily. Nathaniel says he wants to be a police man (among many, many other things) so I am going to call them “patrols”. I will probably add to this list but I want to have:

  • toilet paper patrol
  • dish patrol (finding dishes around the house and putting them in the kitchen)
  • light switch patrol (this will be for going out of the house, turning off all the light switches. Also periodically looking around to see if switches need to be turned off)
  • soap patrol (making sure we have soap in both bathrooms)
  • shelf patrol (this is something I need to start later. Basically, I want to make sure my shelves in the living room stay filled with books and not with other things. So this person would be in charge of telling a grown up, or putting something away that is out of place.)

My goal is that eventually I will not need any of these, but till that day I need these tasks to be done.

There are 4 steps in the full implementation of the Accountable Kids program so we should be done with the full roll out by around the 12th or 13th of January.

The boys have this week off school so they have been having fun playing around. Surprisingly, the school children around here do have school. It must be having to do with winter and fear that they will be in school till July if they don’t do extra days now. I am not sure.

I have wrapped all of the Christmas presents that I have right now for the boys. This year, I have decided to number the gifts rather then putting their name on them. That way they don’t know who’s is who’s as I don’t have a big closet to store them in like I did last year. We had to move bedrooms you may remember for the licensing for Fostering. So far it is working well and no one is getting into anything. Yay!

Well this post is longer then I thought it was going to be. Amazing how I can ramble. 🙂