The musings of a 37 year old housewife…

I should have a photo for today and maybe I will by the end of the day, but right now I don’t have one. So instead I thought I would talk about my least favorite topic. Cleaning the house.

I hate cleaning. The thought of it makes me have almost a fight or flight response. I would rather do ANYTHING rather then clean. However I do like a clean house. In my marriage, especially the last 7 years, there have been many times where I couldn’t clean because either A) doctor’s orders or B) I was too tired from fighting cancer. However right now is neither of those times and Tony is working more so I had to do something.

I went looking online to find a cleaning schedule that I could do. I looked everywhere and all of them were not right for me. We take out our trash once a week, not every night. We just don’t produce that much trash. Recycling we take out more often but honestly that is normally about 2-3 times a week. Compost Tony has to take out. Then a lot of them would say things that I was never responsible for. Tony does all the dishes in the house for instance.

So all of this told me that I needed to come up with something on my own. Ugg! I didn’t want something complicated or fancy. I wanted something I could stick with. I also knew that I needed to have laundry in it. So what I came up with is:

Monday – Cold laundry, vacuum upstairs and down
Tuesday – Whites laundry, wipe down walls and cabinets also meal plan
Wednesday – Permanent press laundry – dust
Thursday – Cold laundry – vacuum downstairs, spot mop as needed
Friday – Diaper laundry – bathrooms
Saturday – Sheets – Farm pick up
Sunday – 1 hour declutter

I have decided that I would do this in this order. If I can’t get to something cleaning wise, it isn’t the end of the world and I will hit it the following week. None of this is takes that long (meal planning does but is because I am still learning). I am noticing that cleaning this way, I am able to get to the other things that are NOT on the list. Well I am doing ___ so I might as well do ___ type thing. So hopefully this will continue for me.