Little Nathaniel…

Well Nathaniel gained weight on Thursday. He was up 3 oz. to 6 lbs even so the doctor was happy… sort of. She wanted me to come back in on Monday (tomorrow) but I told her that we were thinking of getting a scale so that made her change her mind and she said I could just call in the weight! I wish she would have told me that 5 appointments ago!! Anyway, so I got this scale and I will call in a weight tomorrow. To my surprise it even came the next day!! I guess there are some benefits to living in New Jersey with all the warehouses! So far he is up another 2 oz so that is good. I will weigh him again tonight and in the morning before I call over. Whatever is higher, I will say he is!

Nathaniel is doing well at eating but he really doesn’t like being away from me period. Even daddy is just so so. Because of this I am writing this post with him in a baby carrier on me. I don’t mind, it has been my dream for so long, but that makes it hard to get much done!

Today we spent part of the day going for a nature walk with Max. This made Max happy and Nathaniel had fun sleeping on the way back! So that is good! We will have to do this again soon!

So here is Nathaniel playing on his (Emily’s) gym.

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Sleeping in the carseat. Love the cheeks!


This was taken on Thursday. It shows how much he has grown in relation to the cow… Not much.


Sucking his thumb!


Holding the pacifier in!

Finally today is my blintz day. When Tony and I were first dating we went to Ihop and I ordered cheese blitzes. Tony had never had one so I let him try it. He was confused by the cheese (savory) and the sweetness of it. So we have always called situations where we are torn in 2 directions as “blintzes” since that day.
Today is the 7th anniversary of loosing Alexander. It is really hard to believe that it has been that long. It feels like it was yesterday in some ways. Max always reminded me of Alex. Nathaniel seems to be more like Emily. The only exception to that would be Nathaniel loves to have things in his mouth, but honestly, Max hasn’t outgrown that so he still wins the “most like Alex” cake.
Today is also the 3rd anniversary of me getting my official remission from cancer title. I have been through a lot since then so this actually feels farther away then loosing Alex if that makes sense.
Well dinner is about ready so I will stop here.