37 weeks….

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Okay before I am asked, no it isn’t that cold here. I wore this outfit for a reason. Tomorrow marks the day that I took this photo with Max:
So as you can see, I think Nathaniel will be smaller then Max. I could be wrong but that is how it looks to me. I also claim that I am 46 inches around with Max and today the most I could get is 43.75 inches around. So clearly I have a bit of a peanut in me. Not that that is a bad thing.
I am feeling well besides that. My foot is like a club foot! It is HUGE. I really should take a photo of that! I can do very little to help it now and I noticed that even this morning it was swollen when I woke up. I guess that is me for the next week plus.
I am looking forward to seeing my 4th son. It should be interesting to see how he is and how big he is. The only sad part for me is this may be my last pregnant week ever. That is hard for me but we will have to see what God has in store for me.