Doctor appointment today…

Today I went to my doctor and I saw the tale of 2 New Jersey’s going down there. South Jersey is barely touched by Sandy. We have trees that were uprooted all over. Down there I saw one. No broken trees either. The eye went over that area. This was the strangest hurricane I think ever. I remember seeing areas of where they eye went over with other hurricanes and that is where the worst damage was. Not with Sandy, it seems that the worst of it was north of the storm. I even heard stories that there were houses that were not even touched on the bay side of the barrier islands. Amazing!!

Now on to more amazing news. My lining is now 10.16!!! Many RE’s will not transfer a frozen embryo (or a fresh embryo) with a lining under 10. This is far better then my prior cycles.

Now I just need to pray for my little embryo, Baby E. He/she needs to survive the thaw so I can have the transfer. So that is a big hurdle for next week.

I did make my coconut oil fudge, and I have a bunch of eggs, so hopefully the little one will have a nice home to come home to!