Max and cooking…

This is Max earlier today taken from my phone. Just prior to this I had pulled out the eggs as we were making brownies for our trip. I then went to get a bowl. Max standing by the drawer with the cooking implements in it opened the drawer while I was getting the bowl and pulled out the egg beater (the springy kind). I turned around to find him proclaiming “There it is!”

I was still cooking bacon so I cracked the eggs and then let him beat them. He did really well. He really beat the eggs and he did rather well at it. Only once did he do a slight spill of maybe a teaspoon.

This is him stirring the brownie mix together. After this video he got VERY upset because I took it from him to put in the pan for baking. He wasn’t done mixing clearly. I hope you can see the video okay. I really should have got the other camera but you never know with things like this.
