Day 151 and 152…

Here is Max’s day 151…
12:30 am Wake up in crib, nursed in bed back to sleep (co-sleep)
1:45 am Wake up, eat, Poo – Diaper change (I tried to put too much into a pocket diaper and spent 15 minutes trying to get it to fit him… it didn’t work) eat, Asleep in crib at 2:45 am
3:30 am Nurse in bed (co-sleep)
4:30 am Nurse in bed (co-sleep)
5:00 am Nurse in bed, swing at mommy to try to wake her up.
5:30 am Mommy finally wakes up! I play in my crib
6:00 am I am put in my Jumperoo while Mommy makes dinner (I made Cranberry Pork Tenderloin found here) daddy keeps an eye on me while he is eating breakfast.
6:30 am Help mommy get breakfast, nurse to sleep in crib
6:50 am asleep in crib
8:00 am Wake up diaper change
8:30 am Eat, help mommy get ready
9:00 am Go to grocery store – sleep in store for about 30 minutes… mommy makes me cozy in the Beco.
10:00 am In car home
10:30 am Sit in chair while mommy unloads the car and puts groceries away… all that food makes me hungry so I eat! Yum!
11:00 am Diaper Change and play with mommy
11:30 am Story time (love the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?) Then my new Toy comes… Mommy takes it out and puts me in it… I am unsure about it.

12:00 pm Nap on guest bed
1:00 pm Wake up but still tired. Mommy helps me go back to sleep while she takes a nap with me
2:30 pm Wake up and have a diaper change
3:00 pm Help mommy put away diapers
3:30 pm Play in Jumperoo
4:00 pm Play with mommy and storytime
5:00 pm Eat then sleep
6:00 pm Wake up, eat then my teeth start bothering me. Mommy gives me tylenol when cold carrots don’t seem to be working for me.
6:30 pm Prepare for bed. I think that this is the start of bedtime so I calm down.
7:00 pm Daddy confuses me by taking me downstairs and I protest. I WANT night night time!!!!!!
Around 7:50 Asleep in crib
About 9:00 pm Wake up nurse with mommy and asleep (co-sleep)
11:00 pm Wake up and nurse
11:30 pm Asleep in crib.

Ironically Max awoke again around 2 and was up for another hour last night. However when he went to sleep around 7:50 he did so in his crib and more or less on his own. Which he did the night before (day 150). So I have no idea what is up with that.

Today he has had a fairly good day but at one point clearly his teeth were bothering him again. I didn’t give him anything and he is sleeping well right now. Hopefully that will continue.

Oh by the way the tenderloin was great! I highly recomend it!