
I don’t have a bunch to write about but I thought I would post something in case I don’t get a call from my RE tomorrow (I am assuming I will not). I am feeling alright. I am tired all the time and today is the first day I am not overtly trying to be … [Read more…]


This is our little over achiever. It is the 5AA baby that was transferred. This quite possibly could be an overachiever once born but we will never know. This is baby that was grade 5BA that was transferred. Frozen Embryo’s I will get the qualities on all of these next time I go in or … [Read more…]

Our transfer yesterday…

Sorry, Tony refused to update the blog. I tried but he refused. We transfered 2 embryos, grade 5AA and 5BA. They looked like little twins under the microscope. This link here will show you the grading that many doctors including mine use. The 5AA was abosolutely perfect. The doctor said that he couldn’t have drawn … [Read more…]

Hello everyone!

Well we didn’t get a report about the embryo’s yesterday. I know that makes it strange for all of you and trust me it wasn’t a walk in the park for us either. However we understand and figure that we will get a more detailed report when we go in this morning. Now I am … [Read more…]

Questions that have been asked and answers…

Hello, I forgot to answer a question yesterday so I am going to do it now. I have also been asked another question. Question #1 – How many embryo’s will we put back? We will put back 2 embryo’s. We are doing IVF to control how many children we have. I know that is not … [Read more…]