Emily and the bunny with a heart

HPIM1703 HPIM1704 HPIM1708 HPIM1710 Emily HPIM1711
As you can see Emily had a new outfit on last night. This one her paternal grandmother got her. Isn’t she too cute! The one with me holding her is taken right after she fed off of me. I don’t know why but her eyes just bugged out after that.

Emily had a good day yesterday. She took some partial feeding from the bottle and some partial feedings from me! She did well on both counts. She also had her echocardogram yesterday. The doctor just was getting ready to do it when I came into the ICN. He wanted Emily to calm down before he started though so I picked her up. She calmed right down then. So the doctor did the Echo with me holding Emily. She did really well. The medicine that he recommended giving her really has helped her a ton! Her heart is so much better he said. He recommended no more changes in her medication and said that he would see her again during the week after Christmas. I must say that while watching the ultrasound of Emily’s heart I could help but see the similarities with the Rolling Stones tongue that they often use for their tours. Perhaps it was the angle of the ultrasound picture.
In other news while we were waiting in the family center during the shift change (we are not allowed to be at Emily’s bedside during shift change which is an hour every 12 hours) we inadvertently heard a poor woman getting beat up by her boyfriend/husband. This guy actually beat her in the family center. We were the only ones in the family center other then this “couple”. The police were called and we are assured that he will not be allowed to go back in the ICN again. They have a baby in the same nursery (there are 4 nurseries in the hospital) as Emily and we are worried for Emily’s safety if he were allowed back in again.
Thank you for everyone who offered suggestions on how to boast my milk supply. One thing I am realizing is that I am lucky that Emily will suck and suck and suck on me. Last night I nursed for 40 minutes with her. She would have done it for longer but I had to stop her for fear that she would wear herself out. Anyway when I got home about 1.5 hours after her nursing I pumped and got about double what I normally get. I have one of the ICN doctors looking into all the herbs in the http://www.traditionalmedicinals.com/?id=30&pid=79 mother’s milk tea to make sure nothing will harm Emily.
Thank you for all of your help. I will try some if not all of them and let you know how it goes.


  1. Sorry you had to experience the abuse at the hospital, as if things aren’t stressful enough!

    Emily looks so cute in her bunny outfit. I am so pleased hear about the progress with her heart…isn’t modern medicine great!

    Hugs to you guys!


  2. Anonymous

    Emily has the cutest clothes! It is so nice that the hospital lets you dress her in “normal” clothes not hospital atire. She is quite the fashion plate. I’m so glad that her little heart is doing better already. Thank you God! Take care and keep those adorable pictures coming. Rowena

  3. rebecca

    As adorable as those pictures are, they just don’t do her justice! She is such a precious child and Mommy certainly knew what she was doing putting Emily in the bunny outfit. She was like a little stuffed animal who wanted to be snuggled. I couldn’t help but cuddle her. It’s so hilarious how she loves being dressed up. I’ve been waiting to see if she wore her jeans!

    I hope you had a good week. I’ll see you tonight.

    Luv, Rebecca

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